- tout est accessible, sauf le forum en anglais => checker avec AdamW?
- a un miroir sur (seules les dernières versions maintenues sont présentées)
- hawkwind dit que c'est trop compliqué d'avoir tout mis sur easyurpmi (même les versions qui ne sont plus maintenues...) ça m'a fait penser qu'il serait intéressant d'avoir un mode Newbie / expert (qui veut avoir accès à tout...)
Suite au sondage sur
If you have answered questions on the forum, why do you choose to answer questions?
because I can help to make it work for others, like it works for me
If you choose not to answer questions on the forum although you know the answer, why do you choose not to answer questions?
When the user is impolite or does not make any effort to provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem.
What do you like most with the Club, and why (try to be as detailed as possible in your answer)?
Contributors because the wiki needs it, the forum too, as mandriva's users are too prone to whine (maybe they need to understand that GNU/Linux at mandriva's price is a gift and they already get more support than from Microsoft or Apple though the community is less important, with fewer people using GNU/Linux than Microsoft)
What would you like to improve in the Club, and why (try to be as detailed as possible in your answer)?
Make it a knowledge-sharing area. Opening the wiki and forum to alumni (subscribed users) is a good step as it prevented me from contributing more : what would have been the use, as it did not respect the openness I expect in the Free Software community.
Make it a bridge between users and developers by getting contributors to follow cooker's policies and make users understand better the limits of the Free Software phylosophy (sometimes more bugs, but can be openly reported to get corrected).
If you do not contribute to Club contents, would you actually like to? What would need to be different?
For club RPM : make them validated by QA team.
Get users to understand that closed-source drivers and non-free software should be discarded (flashplayer, realplayer, acrobat, ...) for free alternatives (gnash, helixplayer, evince, ...)