RHEL4 quelques liens pour pouvoir l'essayer et voir ce que c'est après
- http://www.redhat.com/software/rhel/compare/ [en]
- make your decision depending on packages you need
- seems strange that openldap-servers (for example) are not available for Red Hat Desktop / WS : what's the purpose of having separate ftp repositories ?! (or is it only on CD / support, which I would understand better...).
- my requirement : "minimal install" neither server nor desktop biased, as this will be a demo machine, then addition of *any* package available (eclipse would be a plus for example) => a developer workstation is neither a server nor a desktop, but clearly both.
install sur DL 380 G4
google hewlett packard dl380 g4 RHEL provides
mises à jour RHEL
Ce qu'il y a du côté de Mandriva