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Those are Linux enhancements I would approve, hands up...

it should work

yah all that claim that a CD install should *simply* work are right
I'm fed up with telling, ok you've just installed xxxx (Mandrake Community, Official...) just take the updates it will work better.
It should work from CD, dot point. Can be enhanced from updates, I agree ;-)

It should not be a memory hog

WindowMaker only takes 30 MB out of my RAM, but is *really* that slow to start (at first run)
How come this program relies on so many disk accesses ???? At 2.1 Mb/s it's too slow (30 seconds to show the splash window... should be 5 seconds... well you'll tell me that python is loading, then its libs, then openoffice, then all libs, then splash, then components, then it starts, then it displays something... let's say that I just want to launch OpenOffice ;-) the splash screen is there 5s after, fine

Linux fonts in browsers & applications

My father does not see well, so... I had to configure WindowMaker in size 12 fonts (I'm not sure it works after reboot... in for example...)
Well switching to xfce4 solved the problem with fonts :

I'm not the only one : from
I have been tracking and installing different Linux distros for years. I really would like to make the switch (and switch my family’s computers as well) but there are two main things that are stopping me. No, it is not games. It is not even the lack of apps its self. It is the fact that every one of the distros can not get fonts right in any browser that is included (or user downloaded browser). The other issue is the ability to install new apps and get them on the desk top or pull down menus easily with out having to go through many hoops.

When it comes to fonts in any browser, why is it that most web pages (and yes, many Linux web pages) had to have such tiny fonts as a default. I have read forums and manuals and help files and yes, I can get them (some what) to look reasonably readable. But why should I have do these tweaks? Can't all this tweaking be done before the distro goes out?

With app installation, every distro has there own way of doing it. Some work somewhat well and others take a PHD to install... Why? What will it take to have an easy, no brainer way of installing apps? I know there are a few paid distros that have their "ease of install, pay as you go" software install but can't there be a defacto standard of easy installation of any software for all distros?

Am I asking too much? Is Linux still an immature OS that these things are years away from happening? No Linux distro will ever be a "good" distro for the average Joe with these two things in the way.

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