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Some questions to warly (or anyone interested)
I'll introduce the question with my own thoughts on the subject, perhaps leading to a clarification of assumptions / issues hidden behind (under ?) the question.
I do not want to introduce troll, rather state matter of factly some questions that arise from time to time and that may require a clear answer.

Can you precise differences between official and community in the 2006 edition ?

From my understanding :

Let's take a matter of fact example : 2006.1

ok, I get latest Gnome 2.12 and a beautiful paperwall (though it makes me think that I may have loggued as root with the choice of the color red...)
I think, it would be important to state what the user gets from this version and what s/he does not get, in order not to be disappointed. Then the user can make her/his choice in conscience.
Behind all this is the question of stability, usability : is it better to have latest broken version or not up-to-date version that simply works ? (well, indeed, in some cases you may obtain a latest version that simply works... but that's not the point). Is the user ready to obtain instability as the price of newness, I think not.

Intel partnership

Though on the edge of troll, the approach is to understand the difficulties of Mandriva's commitment to Free Software with the proprietary approach taken by products vendors. (Mostly from the point of view of a Free Software developer).

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