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[ EagleUsbTeamFr?] [EagleUsbTeamEs?] [EagleUsbTeamDe?]

Eagle Usb Team

This page is dedicated to all contributors to eagle-usb driver. If you want to contribute see the forum and put a message at the bottom.


The eagle-usb driver is developed by some peoples that communicate informally (I do not remember meeting anyone elsewhere than on internet ;-) ).
The "movement" has been created in France thanks / despite Sagem fast800 being distributed by Free Adsl ISP in November 2002 and supporting (poorly ?) linux (at best).
The chance (?) we had is that firmware, DSPcode and driver are GPL thanks to Analog
A mailing list was created that evolved towards what you know today : enjoyed developers, a working driver for linux and people who spend some of their free time to make it work (better) !
The eagle-usb driver now works for kernel-2.6.x and is integrated in some distributions of GNU/Linux.


We realize the chance we have in the world of drivers : being GPL means it works for most of us with Linux and other OS.
It can work better if :


By order of appearance (more or less)...


You're welcome for integration of the eagle-usb driver in any distribution, that's the power of GPL : just publish your source - and how you did it - on the eagledev




Those are free willing people that found their way to our forum and asked for help at first. Now they contribute to translating what we do (it's always better for the newbie to have it in his/her own language)
Many thanks (not that suficient) go to :


As you all know, nobody (all the more developers) is willing to write documentation ! That's forgetting that "written once, used many" (useful for many).
Some wikis are available for contribution (do not hesitate) : your problem is the problem of someone else, your solution may be very useful to many, that's the way a community works !

Other teams

We may achieve Dev:DevCommunDriverUsbADSL (interwiki)

I want to contribute

Just subscribe to the mailing list on gna and tell us what you want to do. You're welcome.
You can contribute on the forum : once it works for you, well others may have exactly the same difficulty : just explain them how to cope with it, you'll make someone happy, that's your only reward, you deserve it ;-)
Documentation is a plea for many GPL projects : your chance is to contribute to what already exists
You may have found an URL of interest for us : just put it on FaqLinks using the edit link (or double-clicking)

Your remarks are welcome hereafter, we'll do our best to answer

(not as a "comment", please nobody read them, but just below this line after double-clicking)
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